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Renting a Home? Useful Vastu Tips For A Rented House

Quick History

Vastu-Shastra plays an important role in many people’s lives especially if you believe that the energies surrounding you affect what you do and your life in general. It’s made of two words – Vastu which means your place of residence and Shastra which means science or knowledge. Hence, the “science of architecture” is quite an apt definition for the term. This system of architecture aims to integrate architecture with nature, functions of the structure, geometric patterns, symmetry, and directional alignments.

Useful Vastu Tips For A Rented House

The fundamental purpose of this system is to build homes such that the energies that surround the people living in the house are positive and they can benefit from it while keeping the negative energies away. Vastu-Shastra represents a wide range of concepts and knowledge that can be applied to both modern and traditional houses.

However, this system is not rigid and can be adapted as required. Although many contemporary architects consider this system more of a pseudo-science, it still plays a big role while building residential complexes across India. Additionally, since the system of Vastu-shastra is flexible, many families apply this system to their interiors instead of putting too much focus on the structure of the house itself.

The Tenants

Since the opening of the economy in the 90s, India has become a global player in several business verticals; automotive, medical, IT, shipping, agriculture, and so forth. Employment opportunities have also seen a rise consistently over recent years. Many families are moving across the length and breadth and breadth of the country for new job opportunities and hopes of a better life. As a result, the demand for rented houses has also increased drastically over the years.


While many move into houses based on their convenience and budget, there are still a large number of people who also consider the Vastu of the place before they move in. Also, given the fact that Vastu-shastra still plays a big role in many regions and families across the country, it is only natural to build houses and residential complexes based on this system to whatever extent that is possible.

The Dilemma

It’s understood that unless the home-owner makes the house Vastu-compliant, it’s very difficult for the tenant to do anything about it since they are not permitted to modify the physical structure of the house. Many tenants are quite happy to apply the Vastu system as and where possible without giving too much thought to the physical structure of the house. However, there will still be a sizeable number of tenants who would expect at least the basic foundation of Vastu principles to be followed by the house owner.

If this is not being done, there can be instances where the tenants either leave the house soon or do not find tenants for an extended period. You see; the energies of any house affect the people who stay within that space and not necessarily the owner. Hence, the disparity between the house owner and the tenant when it comes to the Vastu!

The Solution

Between finding a good place to lay your roots and a Vastu-compliant home, many tenants could end up being on the losing end, unfortunately. However, this is not the end of the world for our Vastu-complaint house hunters. As we mentioned earlier, Vastu-shastra is merely a guideline and not a rigid mandate that needs to be adhered to.

Useful Vastu Tips

Our ancestors had the gift of foresight and understood there are situations where this system cannot be followed. Hence, keeping that in mind, Vastu-shastra plays the role of a guide or a mentor and not the role of a parent or an emperor. For our reader’s benefit, we have made a list of tips that tenants can follow to ensure the Vastu/energy of the house is in the right direction just to get started. 

  • Check the history of the property before you finalize. It’s a good practice to be sure there has been no misfortune in the house to ensure your peace of mind.
  • Check the vibe of the place once you enter the house. Your mind will intuitively feel a certain vibe soon as you enter the space. Pay attention to it.
  • Look for the surrounding of the house; avoid crowded places, hospitals, graveyards, heavy traffic, etc. Such places tend to be noisy and will not allow you to stay calm. 
  • The main entrance door should not face any major obstruction. To put it simply; you need to have at least some amount of open space in front of the main door. Many also consider the direction of the door. However, this is largely impractical and cannot be considered. Also, your profession determined the direction of the door in certain cases. 
  • A well-placed kitchen is preferred which ensures the safety and good health. Try to look for a kitchen that has some open space for ventilation and movement. Kitchen located in North-East and South-West should be avoided.
  • Toilets should not be in the North-East and South-West direction. While we can’t move the toilet in case it is not in the specified direction. We can consult a Vastu expert and take their assistance to correct such issues without any demolition involved.
  • The direction of your bedroom again depends entirely on your profession. If you are a banking professional, a north-facing bedroom is preferred. In the case of politicians, actors, or a socialite, an east-facing bedroom is preferred. The list goes on; what you do really need to focus on is on ensuring you have good ventilation in the house with ample space so that the moment you enter the room you feel relaxed and comfortable. After all, it is where we all spend most of our time.
  • It is a well-known fact that colors have a psychological effect on our subconscious minds. Each color can stimulate some sort of reaction in people. Hence, colors can also have a negative or positive effect on us. Lighter shades are generally preferred in most cases. However, if you need more details based on other factors, you can always consult a Vastu expert. 
  • Repair anything that might be broken within the house. A new means everything should be as good as new. Anything that’s broken or damaged left by the previous tenant should either be disposed of or fixed. 
  • Minor tweaks in the interiors can be done as per Vastu even if you cannot make structural changes to the house. Just make sure to keep a note of it.

These are some of the tips tenants can keep in mind while looking for a rented apartment in particular. Of course, there are other matters also to be considered once you get settled in the house. However, following these tips, for now, will get you started and you can move into a house that radiates nothing but positivity. As mentioned earlier in the article, use Vastu-shastra as a guide, not as a doctrine.

FAQs – Useful Vastu Tips for Renting a House

What is Vastu-Shastra, and how does it relate to renting a house?

Vastu-Shastra is a system of architecture that integrates architecture with nature, aiming to create positive energies within living spaces. When renting a house, tenants may consider Vastu principles to ensure a harmonious living environment.

Can tenants modify the physical structure of a rented house to make it Vastu-compliant?

Typically, tenants are not permitted to modify the physical structure of a rented house. Therefore, they may face challenges in making structural changes to align with Vastu principles.

How can tenants determine if a rented house is Vastu-compliant?

Tenants can follow several tips to assess the Vastu compliance of a rented house, such as checking the property’s history, assessing the overall vibe of the space, and considering the placement of key elements like the main entrance, kitchen, bedrooms, and toilets.

What should tenants consider regarding the placement of the main entrance door?

The main entrance door should ideally not face major obstructions and should have some open space in front of it. While considering the direction of the door is important in Vastu, it may not always be practical for tenants to choose based on direction alone.

How can tenants ensure good ventilation and comfortable living spaces within the rented house?

Tenants should prioritize good ventilation and comfortable living spaces within the rented house. This may involve considering the direction of bedrooms based on profession, choosing lighter shades for interior colors, and repairing any broken or damaged elements within the house.

How should tenants approach the application of Vastu-shastra when renting a house?

Tenants should approach Vastu-shastra as a guide rather than a rigid doctrine when renting a house. While they may not be able to implement all Vastu principles, following basic guidelines can contribute to a harmonious living space.

By Neeraj Gupta

Neeraj Gupta is our content writer. He is an expert in research-based content availing information for the end-user. An enthusiastic content developer and blogger, he has an undeniable inclination towards the investigation of significant fields for content development.
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